How ‘Meditation’ can change your brain, reduce stress, and

even assist you in manifesting your desires..

by Donna Ireland

Here at Annod Natural Skincare, we understand the importance of holistic well-being, not just for
your skin but for your entire being. That’s why we want to introduce you to the incredible world of
meditation—a practice that can help you become more familiar with your own thoughts, manage
stress, and unlock a wealth of health benefits.


Becoming Conscious of Your Unconscious:

The essence of meditation lies in its very name.
“Meditation” translates to “becoming familiar with” and this practice begins with becoming
conscious of your unconscious thoughts. It involves noticing your automatic habits and behaviors, which is the first step towards self-awareness and growth.

The Power of Meditation:
One prominent figure in the field of meditation is Dr. Joe Dispenza. He
emphasizes the incredible potential of healing the body through the power of the mind alone. Continuous meditation can lead to remarkable changes in both the brain and body, making your brain feel rejuvenated and more youthful. The compounding effects of consistent meditation are truly transformative.

Stress Management and Beyond:
Stress, often referred to as a silent killer, can have a detrimental
impact on your health. Meditation is a potent tool for managing and reducing stress. Its benefits extend beyond mental health, contributing to long-term physical well-being. Researchers have found that mind-body activities like meditation and yoga can reverse pro-inflammatory gene expression, reducing the risk of inflammation-related diseases and conditions.

Changing Your Brain with Meditation:
Studies have shown that meditation can actually change the
structure of your brain. It increases grey matter in certain areas, leading to improved focus and decision-making skills. Moreover, meditation decreases activity in the amygdala—the brain’s fight- or-flight centre. This means that regular meditation practice can help you remain calm and centered in the face of stress.

Meditation and the Law of Attraction:
The Law of Attraction is about manifesting your desires in
life, and meditation is a powerful tool in making that happen. By focusing your thoughts and
intentions during meditation, you can begin to attract the things you want—whether it’s a new job, a fulfilling relationship, or simply peace and happiness.

Empower Your Dreams with Meditation:
Meditation trains your mind to become more focused and
clear, helping you identify your goals and desires. Visualizing your aspirations and maintaining a positive mindset can set you on the path to creating the life you’ve always dreamed of. Just like physical exercise, meditation is a practice that improves over time, and these scientific reasons explain how it enhances both your body and brain.

Recommendations from Donna Who She Follows and Learns From:

1. Dr. Joe Dispenza: As mentioned earlier, Dr. Joe Dispenza is a leading authority on the
transformative power of meditation and the mind-body connection. His books, workshops, and online resources provide valuable insights into harnessing the power of meditation for
personal growth and healing.

2. Esther Hicks is an American author and speaker on the subject of the Law of Attraction. She is a New York Times bestselling author who is best known for her book, “Ask and It is Given” and runs Abraham Hicks Publications. Esther and Abraham Hicks are teachers of the laws of attraction. They believe that your thoughts and feelings create your reality.

3. Boho Beautiful is a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand founded by Juliana & Mark Spicoluk creating positive content for the body, mind and earth. With content centred around yoga, travel, fitness, vegan food, self-awareness, conscious living and guided meditations.

Meditation is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. It can transform your mind, body, and life in remarkable ways. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine and learning from influential figures in the field, you can embark on a path to greater well-
being and fulfilment. So, take a deep breath, centre yourself, and begin your meditation journey today. Your future self will thank you for it.