Did you know as a woman, you use 515 chemicals daily?
Your skin will absorb 10% faster than oral ingestion.


Researchers have identified cancer-causing ingredients in the foods we eat, tools we use to cook, and the personal care products we apply to our body’s every day.

That list grew longer in 2022, as scientists confirmed certain chemicals are linked to abnormal cell growth and identified new risk factors for future research.

Researchers have continued to look into the manufacturing of food, home, & beauty products for potentially toxic ingredients.
While it’s tricky to pinpoint what causes individual cases of cancer, research so far has led scientists to conclude that genetics, environment, lifestyle, and occupation all play a role in personal risk.


Your role in being aware and minimising your risk by making informed choices of what you use on and around yourself helps to alleviate the risks.

Daily you inhale, ingest and rub on chemicals that get stuck in your body & disrupt your body’s endocrine system and disrupts your hormones. As women, daily we use 12 personal care products on average, while men use only six. Products from lipsticks to conditioner, from tap water to period-proof underwear, all contain toxic chemicals known to harm health. The more products you use with worrisome ingredients, the higher your risks.

Here are some ways you could be surrounding yourself with toxins –
New car
Antibacterial soaps & sanitisers
Shower curtains
Teflon cookware
Plastic bottles
Cash register receipts
Scented candles & soaps made with fragrance (artificial) oils
Air fresheners & scented reeds

Follow these simple steps to alleviate your risks with ways to avoid unnecessary chemicals.
1. Become familiar with ingredients and become familiar with labelling.
2. Choose products at a slighter higher price point as there will be fewer fillers and toxins and better-quality ingredients. You will use a smaller amount of these products than a cheaper version.
3. Wash your fruit & vegetables with an organic soap & water before consuming.
4. Grow your fruit, vegetable & herbs
5. Avoid long-lasting make-up products.
6. Choose small-batch food and skincare companies.


If you want a non-toxic cruelty free skincare line and are not sure where to begin, contact one of our Beauty Therapists for help at admin@annod.com.au